If there is any job out there that encompasses danger and risk, it is construction work. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 20% of every 5,000 private-industry worker fatalities are in construction. Every year, thousands of Americans are seriously injured or killed in construction accidents on construction sites. And while many precautions have been put into place to try to protect workers, construction accidents continue to be the number one cause of job-related deaths in the United States.
Accident and personal injury lawyers in Brandon, Florida, are seeing more and more devastating cases emerge from on-site accidents. Burns, amputations, spinal injuries, asphyxiation due to faulty ventilation, falls, blindness, and head injuries are only a few of the catastrophic construction accidents that can put victims out of work, sometimes permanently. Others face a lifetime regimen of medication and/or weeks or months of rehabilitation. During that time, their families are often left without income.
Who is responsible?
It is the responsibility of the construction site’s general contractor and his subcontractors to ensure their workers’ safety, maintain a workplace that’s as free of potential hazards as possible, and supervise on-site work situations. This, unfortunately, is not always the case. Construction accidents are often caused by negligent general contractors, or contractors who have abdicated supervision to negligent sub-contractors.
Third-party negligence plays a growing part in on-site construction accidents. Even with the best supervision, faulty third-party equipment (i.e., damaged scaffolding, heavy equipment not adequately maintained, or faulty power tools) may cause an unforeseen accident. Negligent third parties may also, according to law, assume partial responsibility.
If you have suffered personal injuries in a construction accident in Brandon, Florida, an expert accident attorney can untangle the liability of third-party negligence for you.
What recourse can you take if you have been injured on the job?
Workers’ compensation may cover a certain percentage of the expenses incurred in a construction accident. However, this alone will be woefully insufficient to cover all the costs of long-term or catastrophic injuries such as paralysis, blindness, traumatic brain injury, or even death. Those types of injuries will often put the victim or the victim’s family into serious financial trouble if they are not compensated fairly. In these cases, third party negligence will often play a part in the settlement that an experienced attorney can secure for their client, even if suing the general contractor is not possible.
So, here is what you should do if you have been involved in a construction accident: contact an attorney as soon as possible so that evidence of third-party negligence can be preserved and investigated. It’s crucial that you find a good personal injury lawyer who specializes in construction accident claims. In Brandon, these lawyers will be familiar with Florida’s workers’ compensation laws and can help you navigate that difficult arena.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a construction accident in Brandon, you certainly have a lot on your plate as far as figuring out how to navigate the legal system and deal with the insurance adjusters. We are here to help!
Are you looking for an accident or personal injury attorney in Brandon, Florida?
If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction accident in Brandon because of the negligence of someone else, an experienced accident attorney can help. O’Toole Law Group is ready to help straighten out the injustice and fight for your proper compensation. We can guide you throughout the process, deal with the insurers, gather evidence, and present the case in the most effective way possible. Contact Neal O’Toole today at (863) 533-5525 or visit our website to schedule a free legal consultation.