Auto accidents can happen anytime and to anyone. You could be the most cautious driver in the world, and even you could get involved in a car accident. While fender benders or rear-end collisions typically lead to nothing more than damage to the vehicle, more serious car accidents can result in life-changing injuries or even death. This is where an auto accident attorney in Mulberry, Florida can help.
Florida Auto Accident Statistics in 2018
- 401,851 total car accidents in the State of Florida were reported.
- 3,150 auto accidents were reported as fatal.
- 254,484 total injuries were reported from auto accidents.
- 8,706 motorcycle accidents, which resulted in 148 deaths.
- 63.33% of all reported auto accidents resulted in some kind of injury.
- The total number of car accidents decreased in 2018 compared to the previous year, but only by about 1%.
Have you been involved in an auto accident in Mulberry, Florida that was caused by recklessness or carelessness of another driver? The good news is that you might have a chance at recovering compensation for the personal injury and property damage you suffered. Unfortunately, the laws that govern auto accidents in Florida are long and complicated. But you don’t have to deal with all of the confusing concepts, such as the law of comparative fault or comparative negligence, as long as you are working with a qualified and experienced auto accident attorney in your area. An experienced attorney will know the ins and outs of auto accident lawsuit procedures, and he or she can help you streamline the entire process.
A personal injury attorney specializing in auto accidents in Mulberry will be able to get you the compensation for your losses, whether your accident was caused by reckless driving, driving while distracted, driving under the influence, rear-end collisions, driving while fatigued, out of lane driving, speeding, lane changes, defective auto parts, or poorly maintained vehicles. From visiting the crash site, to interviewing the witnesses, to gathering surveillance photographs and examining official reports, a personal injury attorney in Mulberry, Florida will do everything possible to help you win the compensation you deserve.
It is important to understand the fact that any victim of a car accident — whether they are a passenger, driver, or even the spouse of the injured person — will be entitled to compensation. The compensation will either be paid by the other driver, or by the owner of the other car. This compensation would include vehicle repairs, towing charges, medical bills, pain and suffering, home modifications, lost wages, prescription medications, loss of consortium, therapy or rehabilitation, and/or diminished quality of life. Apart from this, a Mulberry personal injury lawyer can help you get compensation for any future medical bills as a result of your accident. According to the law, they can also pursue potentially punitive damages that have been designed to punish erring drivers.
Having an auto accident attorney to file a compensation claim can help you get the justice you deserve. If you choose the right law firm — one with years of experience in personal injury law — then you can be rest assured that they will passionately pursue justice for you.
Looking for an Auto Accident Lawyer in Mulberry, Florida?
If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident in Mulberry, Florida due to someone else’s negligence, the team of qualified auto accident attorneys at O’Toole Law Group are here to help. We have over three decades of experience in fighting for auto accident victims’ rights in Central Florida. We can help you get justice and obtain both your needed and deserved compensation. Contact us today to get started.